Saturday, March 9, 2013

Unexpected turns

You know when you've planned on something for a while and possibly it may not be something you're totally psyched about. However, time goes on and things happen and then that thing you weren't totally psyched about becomes worthy of anticipating  and do become a little excited about. It should happen, you've been told it would and have been praying about it with your family. You're almost certain of it. Until, that one second when you find out.... it's not. In that moment, life has just taken one of it's many yet to come and past unexpected turns. It is a funny thing—up until five seconds ago, you were totally sure this thing was gonna happen. All of a sudden.. it's not. In that moment you may think “I was happy in my anticipation, in my ignorance, in my hoping. I wish I could rewind and/or erase this moment in time." I wish.... that's always our thoughts when something doesn't go right. Why? I wish I had that answer and maybe I do, but who knows really. The fact of it is: life is messy. There's no exception. If anyone says there is, don't believe them. They're lying. We are prisoners of hope. We live an a world that's cold and calculated. Overrun by evil but fragrant with good. We have to hope that we are doing the right thing. Trusting the right person, believing the or in the right thing, and making sure we are always in the know. Even if we managed to stay on top of things,  sometimes it's not us who makes the mess. Sometimes someone else makes the wrong choice and we just happen to be standing by. The only true way for success is trusting in an omnipotent God who would send his one and only son into all this mess just so we, the horrid mess-making sinners, could be saved and live in paradise with him. Under the wing of all his love.
   My life took an unexpected turn today. My parents decided it wasn't God's will for me to go to HLS. I don't know why , perhaps I never will, but what I do know is that they have my best interest at heart and I need to trust them and God. I need to have faith in his perfect timing. (Habakkuk 2:3)  You know when God closes one door, he opens another even better. I may not see it immediately, but in time I will. God's grace is amazing. It is sufficient enough for me, and is made perfect in all my weaknesses (which are plenty, I assure you haha). Therefore, in the meantime, I will continue to try my best to give thanks in all circumstances. I will praise Him in the hallway, in all doorways, and even in the times when the door gets slammed shut right in front of my nose!

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