Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Best of Rooms

First of all before I get to the meat of tonight's blog post I make that need, to give thanks for the blessings God has placed in my life:
So my parents have not been feeling well mom has had a fever of 102 for the last 2 weeks along with some other stuff going on in the rest of my family. You never really know how amazingly blessed you are until something like this happens. You never know how truly loved you are by friends and family. However, I know now beyond a doubt. Just in this last month and a half, I have seen how fortunate I am to be blessed with a church family such as I have. They have been there to support me every step of the way. Offering to cook dinner, give me rides, just completely go out of their way for me no matter what. I cannot begin to tell you how much I value and love each and every one of you! Thank you for being the goofy friends that mess with my hair even though it makes me want to scream at times haha....( and I bet for that statement ...I'll probably look like Cousin It by the time Sunday school is over this Sunday haha...o well ...) Thank you for just being there to hug me when it's not talking I need but just silence and a hug. Also, thank you to the staff of the church for creating such a ambient, holy sanctuary where we always feel safe (so safe that we even continue choir practice when the fire alarm goes off...). The meaning of “be still and know that I am God" comes to life in the spaces of the church. If you ever get the chance to go exploring at my the hallway that leads into the right side of the chapel, there is this small prayer room about the size of a medium closet. In it is 2 candles, an alter, bench, a giant painting of Christ and this neat little prayer book with prayer requests leading back to the beginning of the church...which is probably way over a few decades. At times the cursive is a little hard to read but if you decipher is so worth while. People praying for the church's youth, growth, and many more things...but what amazes me most is the things they had going on in their lives weren't much different than today's struggles. At times, that can be the most comforting. Knowing others have gone through what you are. In my opinion, this is one of the best rooms in this house of God. However, I realize that it isn't. A song we are working on in choir right now is called the best of rooms. It says give Him the choice, give him the best part of the house, the best of all's the heart. The heart. No other place. Not in the world. The heart's a very venerable thing. You have to constantly guard it with your mind...always thinking not feeling. Alas, with God...he's the one who will never betray you. He'll never take advantage of your weariness, lie to succeed or win. He's the only one you can give the best of rooms to.

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