Tuesday, January 21, 2014


*Another old blog post that I forgot to publish a few weeks back! Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it. *

Hey there!
Goodness, it has been a while since I've written an actual blog post. Needless to say, I've been pretty busy and a lot has happened since my last post.
Humility is, without a doubt, a bitter - sweet gift.  It's the putrid tasting medicine that just a whiff of its smell makes your stomach churn. It's the best kind of medicine at any rate, strong enough to shake man from sinful pride and starts to work within, healing the temple of the heart and fighting the disease rooted in its cells. Sometimes we just need God to plug our nose and shove the spoonfuls of medicine in our mouth. Thankfully, that's happened to me and quite frankly is still. It's good for me though. It maybe quite uncomfortable but I'm learning slowly to accept it. My issue hasnt been an issue of just blatant pridefulness but an issue of letting people in and accepting help when I clearly need it. I thought I could do it all but obviously, I was wrong ha ha.
Before I conclude this post, I want to say that I appreciate your continued prayers and support for my family and I more than y'all will ever know.  Thank you so much. 

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