Monday, April 21, 2014

How Far Does It Go?

As Christians, we say every Easter that we believe in Christ, that we trust Him with our lives, both here on Earth and in eternity. We say that we give our lives to follow Him, and that we will trust Him in every aspect of our lives.
    As I sang at two services this sunday, each packed to the brim-- possibly totalling at least 3100+ people-- I was reminded that, probably half these people saying the affirmation of faith just see them as words. Just as words on a paper handed to them as they walked into the sanctuary for one of the three times marking a year's passing. The third and probably last time until the Christmas eve service and possibly one of the Christmas Concerts. All these people say they believe, but just how deep does that belief go? I say I believe, but just how deep does my belief go? Does it go as far deep as a broken heart? As the wound of a sudden jab that reminds me people are not always as they seem? Does it go as far as the hot coals of grief?  Does it combat even the deepest despairs of depression and spar with the sharpest pangs of anxiety with the Sword of the Spirit? Tonight, as I find myself with a wounded heart, I pray so....God provides therefore I know so. It may take some time before I can truly grow to that point in my belief but I know that God will provide with the faith to make it through...
     This past Holy Week has been an interesting one. I have had so many amazing chances to witness, and I also have had a great deal of uncertainty and suspicion in a new, budding relationship of mine (which tonight was just confirmed to be true). So while I am hurt in that aspect, I have hope because I know, in one way, I found out soon enough and was protected from an even deeper wound. God is good even in those seemingly miniscule ways that we don't even notice until we sit back and really appreciate life, the good and bad of it alike. It's when we look at the good and bad alike, it's then we realize just how far our belief goes....