Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Wow. My life has sure gotten pretty insane lately, and needless to say I feel like a broken windup toy that people keep trying to crank, and crank, egging me on to run, when all I do is fall flat on my face. However, it's ok because God does His best work when we are broken and have nothing left to offer. It's ok to cry out and say "I have nothing to give you but my broken mess. Please fix it. " Therefore I am the broken toy, but He's the master toy maker.
It's amazing isnt it?! Even in my weakness, I am some how strong through Him. Even when I am so broken that I can't even begin to imagine being whole again, I am. I am whole through Him. "O to Grace how great a debtor daily I'm constrained to be. Let thy goodness like a fetter bind my wondering heart to thee."  I love that hymn. "Come thou fount" has to be one of my favorites.  There's just such a raw sense to it, of the daily struggle that we go through everyday being the wretched sinners that we are. "Prone to wander Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love." Then there's this basic need expressed for Him that we experience as sinners, this need for His love in our lives.  His merciful love and presence. "Here's my heart, O' take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above." I feel like with all the choas in my life, I really need that love and His presence. I really need it. I also find singing hymns of His mercy and love such as "Come thou Fount" are always great for providing a different perspective on things, especially during times like these.Therefore, with my new perspective, I wanna say wow again,  because even when I am so broken, I am so blessed by His love.